Saturday, December 6, 2008

1 Timothy application

Regarding 1 Timothy, how do I apply this to myself?

1 Timothy 4:12 has long been a verse of much importance to me, and still is even now that I am over 40 years of age. People say I look young, working with youth I get affiliated with the young, and I am single and celibate. Thus, people sometimes look down on me as young, and I often have not been treated with the same respect as peers. It is interesting that people in my church who are single and do not have children are treated with less respect than people who are married and have children, considering that Jesus was single, and did not have children. And of course there are always people in church who do not treat a person according to his or her character, rather they treat people according to other factors such as age or financial income. Yet how other folks interact with me is not to be my focus. Living in obedience to Jesus is my concern.

Regarding 1 Timothy, how do I apply this to my community?

When I was younger, there were people who recognized my life in the love of Christ. And there are people who still do.
Hunter Irvine