Thursday, March 11, 2021

God does good!

   Today when grocery shopping I saw a man wearing an orange bandana exactly like the one I bought a bit less than a year ago to have a face covering as the country, and world, was shutting in.  I purchased it for one dollar at a Christian bookstore.  Masks would follow.  That orange bandana was a fitting sight for me since today is the one year mark for when this worldwide pandemic was declared by the World Health Organization.
   The year has been challenging for many of us!  As you know, many people have been sick or died.  And there have been countless other problems for people due to fallout from the pandemic.  And there were tragic social and political problems during this past year in the United States.  I was extremely sad to see so much division at a time of crisis when people needed to be taking extra effort to work together.
   The 2020-2021 pandemic has been a tragedy.  Today on the one year mark, I am comforted by the teaching in Scripture from the book of Romans: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28 NIV).  This does not teach tragedies are good.  Tragedies are horrible.  In this fallen world, we have natural disasters.  Moreso, there is much which is done by us people which is unloving and thus against the will of God.  The result of what is called sin is hurt and ultimately death, which is not God’s desire for us.  Yet our awesome God works to bring goodness for those who love Him, with eternal blessings, and even with some blessings in the midst of bad times.
   If you are a follower of Jesus, you have received the love of Jesus, and you can live by that love this very day!  And if you are not a follower of Jesus, you can choose to be.  Jesus Christ died on a cross for the forgiveness of sins of anyone.  He was the substitute for the consequence of sins which is spiritual death.  And then Jesus was resurrected.  I invite you to believe in Jesus.  If you do, you will have eternal life.

+ I thank You Holy God that the vaccines are so effective - protecting people already, and making our country and the world safer already.  At this time where many of us have yet to receive the vaccine, I pray for continued health for all.  And I thank You for the joy and peace You have given Your followers even in the midst of this pandemic catastrophe.  It has been a rough year.  Thank You for being good to us.
It is through the loving name of Jesus I pray,