Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Thrive in college - GO FOR IT!

    From the first quiz to the final exam, GO FOR IT!

   One of my favorite teachers at my high school was Mrs. Totten.  She was a popular teacher because she was fun.  She liked being with students.  She enjoyed coaching the cheerleaders.  She would even volunteer to help with prom.  She had a perpetual sense of humor.
   Once in the middle of class, the subject of college came up.  Mrs. Totten made one strong statement: ‘Go to class.  Even if you feel like turning off your alarm clock, and even if your room-mate is staying in bed, and even if it is really cold, go to class.’
   At Virginia Tech, I took her advice, and I think she was right.  I do not recall the exact count, because it was in the last century, yet I only missed around five classes in four years at Virginia Tech.  I missed even fewer as a part-time student for four years studying at CCU.
   The secret: Be determined to get to class.

   Once at CCU before an 8:00 am Monday morning history final exam in mid-December, it was about five degrees outside here in Colorado.  Snow and ice were in the crevices of my car doors, and in the crevice between the trunk and the body of the car.  I could not get my car doors open!
   Such had happened before to me with that old car, and I was ready for it.  I knew under such conditions it was easier to get my trunk open.  That car had back seats which would fold down in order to put long items like skies in your truck.  Yet you had to press a button from the inside.  The evening before the final, I made sure that button was pushed!  I even put the one seat down ahead of time I think.
   Thus that morning, I scraped the new layer of snow and ice which had collected during the night in the trunk crevice.  Then with a tad of muscle, my trunk lid opened.  I crawled through my trunk and was able to get into my car!
   Several times at CCU, I had car issues with my old car.  I remember two occasions when my housemate was nice enough to drive me to school.  Then in the afternoon, both times I ask two different classmates from two different classes, whom I knew lived off campus, for a ride.  Both were totally willing to drive me home.

   College is a once in a lifetime adventure, (for fortunate people).  Make the most of it, remembering that when that season is over, you will get paid for crawling through your trunk.

Tip: Ear plugs during a test help me concentrate!
If they might help you, be sure to get permission from the professor first, so she or he does not think you are putting an electronic device in your ear.

Hunter Irvine