Friday, October 21, 2016

Colossians 3:15

Colossians 3:15    Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace.  And be thankful (NIV).

   The reason a follower of Jesus can have peace: first, our sins are forgiven.  Colossians 2:13 states: “…He forgave us all our sins…”  In the previous passage Paul listed numerous sins and stated: “Because of these, the wrath of God is coming” (Colossians 3:6).  I have heard folks making light of “Judgment Day.”  Yet Revelation 20:11-15 makes it clear there will be a final judgment by God of people.  Those who turned away from Jesus are not saved by Jesus and will be permanently punished.  Thanks to Jesus, followers of Jesus will be innocent because our penalty was paid by Jesus!
   Secondly we can have peace since we are enabled to forgive others, which Paul commanded in Colossians 3:13.  I told about my grandma in the previous piece.  Soon after I moved to Denver after being away many years, I started spending time with my grandma who had only been a Christian for a short period of time.  Grandma normally was quite grumpy around holidays because she associated holidays with having a nice time with her husband, but he was gone.  They reminded her she was without.  Once when at her place, she was upset about something.  I do not remember any details, fortunately, but Grandma said something utterly hurtful to me.  I stormed out of her place and drove away.  I was so upset I soon turned onto a side street, parked, and went for a walk.  An affluent neighborhood near downtown Denver unfamiliar to me, I noticed all the houses were humongous.  Walking through the neighborhood, I calmed down.  I prayed I would forgive Grandma, and I did.  I finally drove back over to the other side of the metro area to my apartment.
   Only minutes after arriving home my phone rang.  It was Grandma, who apologized profusely.  I accepted her sincere apology.  Grandma and I went on to have a growing relationship in the love of Jesus.  When she passed away, I was the only one at her bedside.  Holding her hand, I sang to her as she passed into heaven.
   Thirdly, we can have peace since God keeps working to improve His children, in our hearts, being patient beyond belief.
   There have been periods in my life where there has seemed to be little for me to be thankful for.  Yet we can always be thankful Jesus died in our place to take the penalty we deserved, and we can be thankful Jesus made it possible for us to have loving relationships in this hurtful and hurting world.
+:  I thank You Jesus for loving us all!
Hunter Irvine