Thursday, April 16, 2020

Remember God's Faithfulness

   I hope you had some blessings from God on Easter.  For me, Easter did not seem like Easter.  You know why.  I did pray for families of people who have died from COVID-19, and for those who are sick.  Then in the evening, I talked with my friend on the phone.  His mom, who is a longtime genuine friend of mine, is close to dying (not of COVID-19).  Though expected, it was still hard on me.
   Yet even on a challenging Easter, I had a special morning worshiping God in my room.  And near the end of my morning with Him, I had a special blessing.  And first and foremost, the ultimate blessing is always available to live day by day knowing Jesus Christ is risen from the dead!
   During my full morning with God, at one point I started thinking much about one particular blessing from God over the years, which has brought much joy in my life.  To this day I know it was God who opened the door for that opportunity in February of 2007.
   Thinking about God’s faithfulness in the past can be encouraging when circumstances look hopeless.  In a few of the Psalms, the authors recalled the fact that God was faithful to the Hebrew people in the past, restating specific blessings from Him in past years.  For example, in Psalm 105 the author recalls the blessing of getting to settle in Egypt during a famine, and then their miraculous deliverance from Egypt.  And he recalls God’s miraculous provision: “He opened the rock, and water gushed out; like a river it flowed in the desert.” (Psalm 105:41 NIV)
   These Psalms surely encouraged the Israelites years later when their circumstances looked hopeless, and they can encourage us today.
   Granted we still need to trust God concerning the details.  For example, Israelite people were in captivity in Babylon for 70 to 50 years, since Israelites were taken captive in three waves in 605 B.C., 597 B.C., and 586 B.C.  This long captivity was the result of many years of vast sins by many Israelites.  Yet Israelites were eventually delivered from Babylon, in my opinion against all odds, since God was faithful in carrying out His promise to Abraham, a promise rooted in His love for all people.
   If you would like, please take a moment now, and remember a time when you were facing a serious challenge, which was sooner or later resolved with God’s help.

   I personally just said a prayer for whoever happens to read my blog that you have a special blessing here at this time of the pandemic crisis in our world, whatever your circumstances.  And first and foremost when remembering God’s faithfulness, remember in your heart that Jesus died on a cross to be your substitute for the wages of sin.  He submitted to that ultimate suffering, taking the sins of the world upon Himself, since He loves you.  Then He was resurrected!  If you believe in Jesus, you have eternal life with Him.