Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Night Hike

Sermon offered at Beecher Island Sunday School
by Hunter Irvine
Luke 24: 13-35

= Luke 24:13-35 reading by Dax

+ Open in prayer.

+   Distraught - these two disciples walked from Jerusalem to Emmaus, and they were distraught because of the death of Jesus, which is shown when they start talking with Jesus.  They both quit walking as if energy was taken from them, and their faces were “downcast.”

   Neither seemed to know Jesus is the Christ.  Instead they called Him a prophet.  However, they had hoped He was the one who would “redeem” Israel.  What they needed to learn is only the Christ can truly redeem Israel, and only the Christ can truly redeem the souls of people.  Jesus does explain this to them, as we talked about in Sunday school.  And I think their misunderstanding is the reason Jesus waited to reveal Himself to them.

Excited!!  When they finally recognize Jesus, they became excited.
   How do we know?  They walked seven more miles in the dark!

First, they had just walked seven miles.  Yet they turned around and walked seven more.

Second, apparently they did not eat dinner.  Jesus revealed Himself to them at the start of the meal.  They must have been hungry after hiking seven miles, even if they were snacking on fig cakes, yet they did not eat dinner.

Third, and most important, it was dark!
When they reached Emmaus earlier, it was “nearly evening.”  Thus their return was at night.  They could not wait for morning; they started walking “at once.”
  Night was never a safe time to travel back then.  Roads in the Roman Empire were under more protection, yet there was still always a risk.  The two disciples were so excited, they returned immediately.

~   The main point of these verses is the two disciples were determined to tell disciples in Jerusalem that Jesus was alive!

+   The personal message for us is we should be determined to tell people: Jesus is alive!

   The two disciples took a risk.  Honestly, that is what I would expect from two people who truly saw Him risen from the dead.
   And since we know Jesus is alive, and since Jesus is our Redeemer, we should be willing to take a risk to tell people of the love of Christ.

   For one school year in 2014 to 2015, I did college ministry work for Awaken Fellowship, a special interdenominational Christian ministry at Ithaca College, in Ithaca, N.Y.  It was hard for me since it was a raise your own support position, yet I do not like asking people for money, so I almost starved.  Plus I was homesick, even though I am an old guy.  Yet I loved those students with all my heart!
And a blessing, and the reason I was able to do that ministry work for one year, was that I was living in the home of my good friend Walt, who has been a friend ever since we studied together at Virginia Tech.  And I became friends with his wife and his cool daughter.
However, I had another challenge only five days after arriving in Ithaca: my car was pronounced dead by a mechanic.  So there I was without a car.
   Our group had our big worship and fellowship time every Friday evening.  When the weather was cold, the kind wife of my friend would drive me to the college.  And someone would always drive me home.
   Yet when the weather was fine, I would walk from my friend’s home where I was staying.  It was at least a forty minute walk through remote woods between his house and the college.  I like walking, so often the walk was truly enjoyable for me.
   The scenic walk was always in the afternoon, until one spring day.  I attended a special ministry event, of which none of the students who usually gave me a ride home were attending.  I had to walk home at night.  Frankly, it was a bit spooky walking through those isolated woods in the dark.  And there had been flooding because of melting snow.  Several times my feet sunk into cold water.  I was so glad to get home that night.  As spooky as that night was, even if I had to do that night over again, I would, because I love those students.
   It was worth the risk!

   Hopefully none of us will have to take any future risky night hikes.  Yet Jesus wants us to be willing to tell people He is alive!
   Risks may be more subtle in this day and age, but the risks are mounting here in the U.S. as the culture is more hostile to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

   We should not be careless; that is not smart.  And the truth always needs to be told in love.  Yet being obedient to Jesus involves risks, even to the point of risking losing a job or a friend.  May we rely on Jesus to take the risk to tell people He is alive!

   Jesus was dead.  Jesus Christ died on a cross for the forgiveness of sins of anyone. He was the substitute for the consequence of sins, which is spiritual death.  Then he was resurrected!  These two guys who had walked to Emmaus saw Him!
If you believe in Jesus, you will have everlasting life with Him in heaven!

+   Invitation!