Tuesday, May 24, 2016


   Sunday evening I had the blessing of seeing Selah in concert.  Their first album released in 1998 is one of my favorite albums.  I did not have a normal dinner, so I was in need of a little snack after the special concert.  I went to a back area of the lobby to eat two fig bars I brought and to drink some water.  Suddenly the members of Selah came and sat down at a nearby table with their backs towards me.  Then a line of people formed to have them sign CD’s and such.  Being the only person behind the group, I had a unique vantage point for the signing.
   The first person in line was a young lady and she approached the table.  Standing before the trio, she started fanning herself with her hand, and she had to catch her breath several times before speaking.  She emotionally explained: “I grew up with you all.”  She later explained she is a senior in high school, thus she was born right around the time Selah started in 1998, and she had listened to their music throughout her youth.  Todd asked her name, and then he shook her hand.  She explained how excited she was.  Then the young lady, remaining emotional yet becoming articulate, stated: “I was wondering if each one of you could take my Bible and highlight your favorite verse, and then write your name next to it?”  The table was silent for a moment.  The three of them have surely signed countless CDs and posters over the years, but this was a unique request.  Of course they obliged.  I thought her out of the norm request was beautiful, showing she had put thought into having them do something special and something so personal as to involve her cherished Bible.  As they were highlighting, I softly said myself, “God bless her.”
   She repeated again, “I grew up with you all.”  Then she talked with them about one more thing, being very selfless and articulate.  Finally they said she could take a picture with them.  Obviously she was excited about that.
   In thinking about her today, I was reminded of how influential a person can be in the life of a teenager.  When I was a teenager, I listened to much rock music, some of which contained sinful and raunchy lyrics.  I saw numerous rock concerts where drinking and drugs were prevalent.  Praise be to God even before I was a Christian I abhorred drinking too much and drugs, largely due to my parent’s teaching and the death of a friend at my high school.  Yet those groups subtly had an influence on me.  And I dare say often it was not an influence leading me to become a more loving person.
   We Christians have the opportunity to be a loving influence in the lives of students.  That includes you students who are followers of Jesus.  You have a huge opportunity to witness the love of Jesus to your peers.  The number of struggling or lost students is staggering.  Sometimes I hear students make statements in casual conversations with their friends which make me shutter and of which I respond saying a prayer renouncing evil under my breath.  So often I wish I had an opportunity to have lunch with these teenagers so I could tell them the Gospel.  What these young folks need is true love, which they can have being in the ultimate loving relationship with Jesus Christ.
   Jesus can enable us to be a light in the darkness.  Doing what is wrong will inevitably lead to getting hurt.  Doing what is good will inevitably lead to goodness.  Your influence on a teenager could factor into a huge decision he or she makes.  May we be willing to take a stand witnessing Jesus, wanting the best for all young people!