Tuesday, December 30, 2014

For those who read my blog: Thank you!!

   Thanks to each and every one of you who reads my blog!  I give my all when writing for this blog and it means the world to me when people are blessed by my writing.  Thank you to everyone at "Blogger" who make it possible for me to have this blog.  And this year I added the incredible "Google Translate" to my blog, so people who speak various languages other than English are able to read my work.  I thank the people at "Google" for providing this service!  I am excited to see when people from countries far away from my own are reading my blog.  Jesus loves all people in every country and of every ethnic group.  And a follower of Jesus is called to witness Jesus in whatever country he or she is in.  In some countries this is extremely challenging, or even dangerous, and requires God's guidance and encouragement.  First and foremost when living as a witness, be yourself, using the gifts God has given to you, all in a reliance in your heart on Him.
  God bless you,
  love in Jesus,