Thursday, March 28, 2013

Abraham Lincoln's Christian testimony

Peter's instruction to get rid of malice always makes me think of Lincoln's second inaugural address.  If you would like to see the actual document which contains the Christian testimony of Abraham Lincoln as published in the Freeport Weekly Journal on December 7, 1864, simply click on this link to another blog I did:
read the selected text which I typed here:
Excerpt from the Freeport Weekly Journal, Freeport, Illinois. Wednesday, December 7, 1864.

A Discourse Preached on the day of National Thanksgiving, November 24th, 1864, in the First Presbyterian Church of Freeport, Ills., by ISAAC E. CAREY

“A gentleman, having recently visited Washington on business with the President, was, on leaving home, requested by a friend to ask Mr. Lincoln whether he loved Jesus. The business being completed, the question was kindly asked. The President buried his face in his handkerchief, turned away and wept. He then turned and said, ‘..(Unreadable).. left home to take this Chair of State, I requested..(unreadable)..pray for me, I was not then a Christian. When my son died, the severest trial of my life, I was not a Christian. But when I went to Gettysburg, and looked upon the graves of our dead heroes who had fallen in defense of their country, I then and there consecrated myself to Christ; I do love Jesus’” (1).

(1) Isaac E. Carey, “The Victory of Truth,” Freeport Weekly Journal, December 7, 1864, 1.

    I give my gratitude to Ms. Dillard, a librarian at Hewes Library at Monmouth College, who made a copy of the article for me. It is challenging to read because the microfilm is old.